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Cooperatives and Development History

Travel history of cooperatives in Indonesia can be divided into two, namely the colonial period and after independence. In previous writings have been presented about the journey of cooperatives in Indonesia in the colonial period, both by the Dutch and Japanese. Here are travel writings of Cooperatives in Indonesia after independence. After the independent Indonesian nation, the existence of cooperatives have been strengthened by the constitution. This is embodied in Article 33 paragraph 1 UUD’45. Therein stated: ‘The economy is conceived as a joint venture, based on the principle of kinship.
In explanation of the UUD 1945 that says that the most suitable business up with the principle of kinship that is cooperative. Interpretation was often presented by Mohammad Hatta, who is often referred to as the formulator of the article. In explanation of the constitution is also said that Indonesia’s economic system is based on the principles of economic democracy, where the production done by all and for all that its form can be interpreted as a cooperative
Indeed reasonable, if a cooperative principle mutual assistance familial and economic system of choice. Because of familiarity and mutual cooperation has become a culture of Indonesian people that have been practiced by our ancestors. Habits of our ancestors who passed down through generations that can be found in various regions in Indonesia. Among the culture of “Arisan” are well known in the community of Central Java and East Java. Then there is also “Paketan, Cai and Ruing mungpulung” existing areas of West Java. Similarly, cultural “Mapalus” known and practiced by communities in the region of North Sulawesi. In Bali there is also cooperation with its famous watering “Subak”. In West Sumatra there is also a “Julo-julo”. All this was evidence of the properties of social relations, nonprofit and show business or activities on the basis of personal awareness and familiarity.
After Indonesian independence, the cooperative no longer as a reaction to the suffering caused by colonialism. But the cooperative has been a concerted effort to improve and enhance the living standard that is based on the principle of kinship. In the early days of independence, the cooperative serves to distribute the daily needs of society under the Jawatan Koperasi, Kementerian Kemakmuran. In the year 1946, based on the voluntary registration of Cooperative Department have conducted as many as 2500 fruit cooperatives.
In 1947, the cooperative movement and cooperative congress first held in Tasikmalaya, West Java. Cooperatives Congress this I produced several important decisions, among others:
1. Founded the Sentral Organisasi Koperasi Rakyat Indonesia (SOKRI)
2. Establishing the principle of mutual assistance as a cooperative
3. Setting the date of July 12 as a day of Cooperatives
Unfortunately, the congress’s decision can not adequately performed. It is due to the political social conditions including the presence of Dutch aggression. Then on July 12, 1953, The second congress was held in Bandung, which among others take the decision as follows:
1. Form the Dewan Koperasi Indonesia (Dekopin) as a replacement SOKRI
2. Establish cooperative education as one of the subjects at school
3. Raised Moh. Hatta as the father of Indonesian Cooperatives
4. Soon laws will be created a new cooperative
In further developments the Government issued Law No. 14 year 1960 regarding the distribution of the main bank and assigned as the executing cooperative.Then in 1961 the National Congress held Cooperative I (MUSAKOP I) in Surabaya to implement the principle of guided democracy and economy. In hard times, the government also issued Law No. 14 years old in 1965, where the principle NASAKOM (Social Nationalist and Communist) were applied in the cooperative. In this year also held in Jakarta MUSAKOP II. In 1967 the government also has improved its Law No. 12 year 1967 about the principal – the principal co-operatives which replaced Law No. 25 year 1992 regarding cooperatives. And in 1995 the government has set a Law No. 9 year 1995 on the lending and borrowing.


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